Lucky foods for a romantic 2017
Last Update : October 5, 2017

2016 is now coming to an end and the new year is around the corner. Before you start the New year with a list of good resolutions, there are some little steps you can follow just before entering in 2017 to make sure you put all the best luck on your side.
Romance is indeed one of the most listed resolutions for new year, finding a partner, finding love, meeting people… and while we do definitely agree that food won’t bring you love, it might help you to set your mind in the right frame in order to put all the positive energy of the world on your side.
The power of the mind has barely any limit, your determination and positivism can change your romantic situation and if you manage to enter the new year with the best of the attitudes, energy, and lots of proactivity, the chances of you attracting compatible and interesting singles will definitely be higher: a good mind frame acts like a magnet.
So now that you’ve understood the reason behind it, we recommend you two foods to celebrate, make wishes and prepare yourself for 2017: if it is romance you want then ask for it!
# Grapes, for 12 months of good luck, dating good luck?
Eating grapes at New Year’s Eve is a Spanish tradition that is taken very seriously. Green grapes are eating during the 12 first seconds of the New Year with each stroke of a bell in the pretty main square of Madrid: Plaza de Sol.
Those 12 grapes that everybody puts rhythmically in their mouth, symbolize each of the 12 months of the year, therefore when eating 12 grapes you can make a wish for every month of the coming year.
#Lentils, for prosperity and perhaps romance?
Keeping the traditions on the South of Europe, Italians also venerate lentils for New Year’s Eve. Lentils are considered to be extremely lucky and as such, they are always at table at Italian’s New Years eve. Lentils not only represent prosperity as they are meant to look like Roman coins, but they have also evolved into the lucky star to start the year with all the luck at your side.
Be prepared to welcome the NewYear, and if you want 2017 to be a specially romantic year, open your mind, feed your body and open both arms to welcome the best of adventures in 2017!