Help! How do I ask a woman out on a date?
Last Update : October 9, 2017

Fellas: if asking a lady that has caught your eye online or elsewhere on a date scares you. Don’t worry; just remember she’ll probably be flattered. Think of how you approach her to ask her out on a real-life date: If you would like to spend some more time with this special someone to get to know her better then say that. It really is that simple.
The one thing men tend to fear the most when asking a woman out on a date is being rejected. But at the end of the day, this is the worst possible outcome, and it really isn’t that bad. Every man has been rejected, this can happen, and even if you are feeling like your pride is a little hurt, you will quickly realise it isn’t that big a deal – to get a positive response you have to take your chances and actually pluck up the courage to ask her out.
To raise your chances of success, you should be prepared and already have a few cool date ideas planned for your lucky lady before asking her out. Show her you care and are able to organise a fun activity or somewhere nice to eat. If you plan something she will enjoy, she’s not likely to turn you down. And if the date goes well, there’s a strong chance there will be a second.
Also, suggesting something simple will most likely result in a “yes”, as it doesn’t involve much commitment. If the date isn’t going well either party can excuse themselves and cut the date short. Gathering for a cocktail seems more suitable than inviting her to go take a cooking course together.
When the day of the date finally comes around, make sure you remain cool and confident. Keep your desire for romantic rendezvous’ to yourself for now. This will happen once you both know each other better. Take it easy, don’t go crazy on the compliments or questions, you don’t want to come across desperate.
As soon as the woman you are interested in agrees to go on a date with you, take charge and make sure you don’t wait too long before getting back to her with a time and place of the date. Make sure you’re ready for it, do something active to release any anxiety; you will be much more relaxed and natural. But either way, our ultimate advice is: stop reading this and take action! By overthinking this you might miss out on something special.